Finally members and friends, having asked permission, seated themselves on nearby garden furniture. We played for an hour, had a half-hour break for refreshments, and then played the same programme again. An ideal spot was found alongside a wall, adjacent to a checkout and an entrance door. To reap the best benefit we needed to be near the exit. We didn't want to play in the obvious place, the cafe, because once the collecting tin had been passed round the diners, it would be some time before the clientele changed. We chose Squires at West Horsley and the managers and staff could not have been more accommodating. Therefore it was decided to play at a garden centre and to make a collection for WaterAid. So it was felt that something different would be interesting. At the HRGB 50th we had hosted a mini-rally. Our Silver Anniversary had been a joint concert with our neighbours, the Lammas Ringers. For our 20th anniversary we had had a shared lunch and an inscribed bell. But it was our way of celebrating our 30th anniversary. Not the usual surroundings for a handbell concert.

Weedkiller and compost, BBQs and cooking utensils. We had a new bell engraved to commemorate our 20th anniversary. Our current team consists of fourteen lovely and enthusiastic people. Steady progress and improvement of skills has taken place since then and we have now given over 250 concerts in the Guildford area.

It was at a Care Home in West Horsley where we played carols for half an hour. At Christmas 1993,four years since our founding, we finally plucked up courage to give our first concert. Antony Chorale which was four lines long! We played our first team solo piece, a simple version of My Grandfather's Clock, at a rally in St.John's, Woking. The first rally which we attended was at Old Woking and we learned to play the St. By this time we had a core of members who could read music and we agreed to meet weekly for practice. The Handbell Ringers of Great Britain offered a course on conducting in 1991 and thus we acquired our permanent conductor and musical director. Gradually, the members who didn't really want to be there drifted away and others came.
#Pilgrim haven park full#
We have come a long way from our early beginnings, when a group of us, most of whom could not read music, met once a fortnight at Wanborough Hall, Surrey, where, in those days there was no car park, the local residents did not like us to park outside their cottages and the muddy lane was full of potholes and unlit, so we had to carry torches as well as all our equipment whenever we met.