Some of the benefits are clear, like complete freedom to use all available space with in the warehouse. Organizations that store limited SKUs in small warehouses can get away with this very basic method of location. It is essentially a locator system used by one person or a small group of warehouse staff that know where inventory belongs within the warehouse. The memory system is the most basic of the three mentioned above.

The fourmost common locator systems are the memory, fixed, zoning, and random locator system s. A small company with limited space and few SKUs to manage may not require a large detailed inventory management system. Some of the things to take into consideration when devising your inventory system is the use of space, equipment and labor, as well as how flexible the system must be and how easy it is to use. Each inventory system has pros and cons depending on the industry, size and type of organization that you run. Let’s discuss the threecommon inventory systems that are currently used in many different industries. Finally, your inventory management must also keep a timely record of these events. Secondly, you must be able to track that item from the time it was ordered, received, put away, picked, and shipped out or utilized in production or point of use. This will require some sort of system to find that specific item within your warehouse.

To maintain an accurate inventory count over a period of time your inventory must be locatable when you need it.